PostgreSQL is a sophisticated relational database administration system, which you can use on many platforms (UNIX, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenSolaris, Windows) and with many different scripting languages (Perl, PHP, Python, Java, Ruby). As it is open-source, it can be freely modified to fit the needs of any developer who employs it. PostgreSQL is also among the most efficient and secure database systems, with much better performance in handling complicated operations compared with similar systems. It is ideal for large-scale applications since a single PostgreSQL database does not have a limit for the size, while one table could be up to 32 Gigabytes. It's not surprising that lots of business, academic and government organizations are already working with PostgreSQL - Skype, the University of California, Berkeley and the US Department of Labor being just a couple of examples.
PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Cloud Hosting
You may use apps which need PostgreSQL databases with every cloud hosting which we offer you. The amount of databases that you can have at the same time varies and with some plans you'll need to purchase an optional upgrade, while with others the number is between 5 and unlimited as standard. If you ever require more databases compared to what the plan you have selected features, you could upgrade this feature through the Upgrades part of your Control Panel. In case you have a free slot, you can create a new PostgreSQL database with a few mouse clicks inside the Databases section of your account and in the same place you could also access phpPgAdmin - a feature-rich software tool that will offer you 100 % control over all your databases and it'll enable you to export or import a whole database or only a part of it with ease.
PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you choose to host your websites inside a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you'll be able to use any script application that requires PostgreSQL databases due to the fact that all our plans support this database system. From the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is the management tool for each and every semi-dedicated account, you'll be able to set up a completely new PostgreSQL database with only a couple of clicks. Because the amount of databases varies according to the package that you select during the signup procedure, you will be able to upgrade this feature effortlessly through the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. You will also be able to access the efficient phpPgAdmin tool to handle the content of any PostgreSQL database that you set up inside your account through a user-friendly web interface.